Wiki 99051 question


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We are going to start billing 99051 in our pediatrics office and have a quick question. Do you have to mark time in and time out on this code? Or do you just have to indicate time of day seen in the progress note?

We are going to start billing 99051 in our pediatrics office and have a quick question. Do you have to mark time in and time out on this code? Or do you just have to indicate time of day seen in the progress note?


Are you on EMR, or do you check patients in using the computer or a sign-in sheet? Usually, one of those things documents it for you. I'd make sure it's noted somewhere, on something that will be maintained, in the event you're asked to provide evidence, for some reason. A lot of payers don't cover it, though. You don't have to note what time they left to bill it - just that they were seen after regular business hours (eg, after 5:00pm, or on a weekend).