Wiki 99024 Global Visit


Best answers

Can anyone explain how the "global" surgeries work and why some discharges are billed with 99238 and some are global? I am trying to understand this and confused any light you can shed on me would be awesome!

It's basically based on whether or not the procedure that was performed carried global days. i.e. a hysterectomy carries a 90 day global period, therefore any regular post op/hospital care in relation to this procedure is "global" and there will not be additional charges by the provider. If the procedure performed does not carry global days then services after the date of service could be billed, in theory.
Post Op Days

Hi Nic,
I agree with what Sarah said. If you are interested in which codes have which global period, they are listed in the Physician Fee Schedule at CMS, which is not always easy to find. I tried to attach it here but it was too big. Private insurers are not required to follow CMS but they usually do.

You can send me a private message if you want me to e-mail it to you.
