Wiki 98925 documentation requirements


Grants Pass, OR
Best answers
Good morning,

Does anyone have a source to find documentation requirements to support OMT 98925. Currently I have a DO performing this. His only documentation is generally "pt had some relief after OMT" He is currently NOT billing this, but I am thinking he needs to 1. bill for it (since is he providing a service to the patient) and 2. document more to support the billing. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Needs to describe the OMT

I have not billed this out for a while, but I would have the physician document the OMT like any other procedure. Where was pressure applied and for how long? How many areas were treated? What position was the patient in? I have found that insurance companies do not understand these procedures so they like to deny them. So if you start billing for this, it will need to be documented very well. Otherwise, the insurance is not going to pay for "patient was good after OMT".

two cents