Wiki 97760 add on code- time requirement??


Colorado Springs, CO
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Please help! I have recently taken on a new position with an urgent care facility. I am trying to find the minimum time needed to bill for 97760. It is billable in 15 minute increments but I am unsure what amount of time is necessary to bill the first increment. I read in one article that 8 minutes is required. Can anyone help clarify this for me? Is 15 minutes required or is a certain percentage of time required for the initial code. Also, if anyone can help point me to where I can find this I would greatly appreciate it.
Medicare chapter 5 Section 20.2

When only one service is provided in a day, providers should not bill for services performed for less than 8 minutes. For any single timed CPT code in the same day measured in 15 minute units, providers bill a single 15-minute unit for treatment greater than or equal to 8 minutes through and including 22 minutes. If the duration of a single modality or procedure in a day is greater than or equal to 23 minutes through and including 37 minutes, then 2 units should be billed. Time intervals for 1 through 8 units are as follows: (Examples are provided within this section)