Wiki 97602- for wound care


Hialeah, FL
Best answers
Hi, I am not sure if this code would be the appropriate for a pt that presented with ulcer on leg. there was no mention of debridement, so that is why I am not certain.
any guidance will help thank you.

cleaned with McKesson Dermal wound cleanser.
gauze applied with antibiotic ointment.
wrapped with gauze.
secured with ACE wrap and sild tape.
Education: wound care instructions given
stop peroxide
use soap and water.
mupirocin prescribed, apply daily.
contract Dr if fails to heal in one to two weeks.
contact Dr if condition worsens.
You're correct - without debridement you can't assign that CPT code. 97602 is assigned for non-selective debridement, which means generalized removal of dead or non-viable tissue. It would not appropriate in this case because there is no documentation that there was non-viable tissue in this wound, or that this kind of tissue was removed during the cleaning of the wound. Based on this documentation, I would assign 99212 if this was performed by the provider, or 99211 if this by office staff under the provider's supervision and plan of care.
Hi Kere
So if the pressure ulcer has bone sticking out or rotten skin they will code it the first stage ? There are 4 stages of pressure ulcers, check dx block L89. So if skin ulcers due to Diabetes or Skin burns or Infections from sores or Laceration Injury this should be listed too. I hope they agree. Interesting
Lady T
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