Wiki 96416


Tacoma WA
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I hope I can get some answers on this! We have been told to use 96521 instead of 96416 when the 48hr pump is started for the fluorouracil. The patient doesn't come back for a refill halfway through and just returns two days later for the disconnect. We are in an outpatient facilty and the reason given as to why we are not using this code was because it is for inpatient use only. Can any of you help with the answer to this?
Thank you for your help!
The 96416 is not for inpatient use only. This is for the initiation of the pump that runs for greater than 8 hours. Each time the pump is disconnected and there is a break in infusion, you can bill another 96416 when a new pump is initiated. The 96521 is to refill the current pump without a disconnection. If I am understanding your situation correctly, you should be billing the 96416 for the 48 hour infusion.
We are also outpatient facility and we use 96416 for each time we initiate prolonged infusion via pump. The 96521 is for refilling of the pump which we do not so at this time. We charge a port flush when patient comes in for the removal of the pump.

Rhonda Crouch, CPC, CHONC