Wiki 96401


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I have a question regarding Sandostatin Lar injections, I was told to code 96401 with this. However; my question is, is this to be coded as a 96402 chemo/im hormonal drug or is this just a chemo injecton??

thanks to anyone who responds
HCPCS code J2353 can be coded with admin code 96401, which is a non-hormonal admin code, because this drug is a non-chemo drug. 96402 is used with chemo drugs.
Lmercado -
Since Sandostatin Lar is not a chemotherapy drug you should be billing a 96372 for the administration. 96401 is a non-hormonal admin code, but per CPT is "Chemotherapy administration, subcutaneous or intramuscular; non-hormonal anti-neoplastic" and wouldn't be appropriate. I hope this helps! Good luck!
Yes, Sandostatin should not be billed with 96401 or 96402.
96401 is for the injection of chemotherapy (anti-neoplastic) drugs
96402 is for the injection of hormonal drugs/agents.

Sandostatin is not a chemotherapy or complex agent. You can only use 96372.

Hope this helps.