Wiki 96374 IV Push : define "push", please


Troutman, NC
Best answers
Just to set the scene, I am in Primary Care, not chemotherapy.

My doc frequently administers Rocephin and Depo Medrol, but does not like to give a direct injection (too painful for the patient, he says) so he does it via IV.

Here's an example:

Patient comes in for pneumonia. Doc says give Rocephin. The nurse takes a bag of saline, puts the Rocephin in the bag via injection, then puts an IV line in the patient and runs the bag of saline/Rocephin.

For a very long time, this has been billed as:

96365 Infusion
J7050 Saline
J0696 Rocephin

I am now being told we should also have been billing 96374 IV Push. My nurse does not believe a "Push" is taking place in this scenario. She defines a "Push" as the pushing of a medication directly into the vein via the IV tubing. I am being told a "Push" also can be defined as the pushing of the medication into the saline bag? Does anyone have any documentation clarifying this?

If I can bill for a push in addition to the other services, this would help us financially. My doc does a LOT of these.

Thanks in advance for your help!
An IV push is defined as the rapid injection of a solution or medication directly into a vein. I believe your nurse is correct , otherwise all IV infusions would be considered a "push".
My understanding, is that a push is directly into the vein. Also, If you are putting/mixing the Rocephin in the NS (J7050)-I don't believe the NS (J7050) is billable separately in that case. Depending on time of the Infusion of the Rocephin would be billed as follows:
96374 (if under 15 minutes)


96365 (if over 15 minutes)

Hope this helps,
Jennifer Stauffer, CPC