Wiki 96367 Confusion


Hampton, CT
Best answers
When I was first taught infusions, I was told that 96367 could only be charged for the first hour of a sequential infusion once per account, and that any time over the initial hour should be charged with 96366. The more I read on here, I see a lot of different answers stating to charge 96367 more then once durring an encounter and would like a little more clarification so I can use this code properly.

For example if you had 3 infusions running sequentially;

Zoledronic Acid - 8:55 - 9:55
Ferric Sodium Gluconate- 10:00 - 12:00
Abaracept - 1:00 - 3:00

Would this be coded as 96365, 96367, 96366x3? Or 96365, 96367x2, 96366x2
Any links to useful articles on sequential infusions would be greatly appreciated.
The code description for 96367 states it is per substance so your scenario would have 96365 initial, 96367 subsequent x 2 and 96366 additinal hours x 2 as two of the drugs went over 91 minutes each.