Wiki 96160

Harrisburg, PA
Best answers

I received a question regarding 96160 Administration of patient-focused
health risk assessment instrument (eg. health hazard appraisal) with scoring
and documentation, per standardized instrument--Can this be billed for patient
18-64 using the Health Risk assessment questions used for Medicare wellness

I found information 96160 is used for maternity depression screening.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Here is an excerpt from the above article that might help you make a determination if this is something you can report separately.

"You may bill this service if the instrument was administered and scored in a diagnostic setting in conjunction with an office visit. You should not bill 96160 separately when the service is explicitly included in another service being furnished, such as the Medicare AWV. For Medicare purposes, you also should not bill 96160 separately if furnished as a preventive service, because at that point it would describe a non-covered Medicare service."

You may find this article helpful.

Here is an excerpt from the above article that might help you make a determination if this is something you can report separately.

"You may bill this service if the instrument was administered and scored in a diagnostic setting in conjunction with an office visit. You should not bill 96160 separately when the service is explicitly included in another service being furnished, such as the Medicare AWV. For Medicare purposes, you also should not bill 96160 separately if furnished as a preventive service, because at that point it would describe a non-covered Medicare service."

Thank you very much for your response Kathryn. This was helpful.