Wiki 96127 Vanderbilt Screening


Boswell, PA
Best answers
When a provider sees a patient and reviews/scores more than one Vanderbilt screening at an office visit, is it possible to bill the 96127 with more than one unit? Per the CPT code description it states "per standardized instrument".
the aap pediatric coding newsletter oct 2014 states "code 96127 may be reported with 2 units of service(one for each completed and scored instrument); or, if required by payor, report the separate screening instruments using 96127 and 96127 59.
hope that helps. lburke cpedc
With regards to coding the 96127 for these screenings, when do Pediatricians use the 99420 to code for a depression screening? Are the screenings that are not performed at the time of a well-child check coded with the 96127, and the ones that are performed at a well-child check coded with the 99420?
Per CPT Assistant
Health Risk Assessment and Unlisted Services

The administration and interpretation of a health risk assessment instrument(e.g., health hazard appraisal) may be reported using code 99420. A health hazard appraisal assesses in a formal written format the risks and stresses that may impact upon a patient's general health status.

99420 is a risk assessment where the 96127 is an emotional/behavioral assessment.

The difference being 99420 asses risk and stresses that may impact general health status and 96127 focuses on emotional/behavioral assessment.
To me the 99420 would be used to evaluate for hazards in the home or work place.
