Wiki 96110, 96111 developmental testing

Upland, PA
Best answers
I am looking for information on 96110 and 96111. It looks like these are not timed. When would 96111 be used as opposed to 96110.

I would value any info, I am new to coding. The boss asked me to find out what I could.

Thanks, Susan
96110 vs 96111

Working with a pediatrician who is certified to do neurodevelopmental evaluations. Looking for guidance on billing 96110 vs 96111.
96111 is more extensive per the CPT description.

96110: Developmental testing; limited (eg, Developmental Screening Test II, Early Language Milestone Screen), with interpretation and report

96111: extended (includes assessment of motor, language, social, adaptive and/or cognitive functioning by standardized developmental instruments) with interpretation and report
Billing for Psychologists

So is the 96110 like the initial assessment and the 96111 an extension with more tests and you can bill both in the same date of service? Also are both codes a 1 unit code and not time based at all? My providers are the psychologists and these codes don't require an E/M right?