Wiki 95 or 97 Guidelines


Best answers
Is it ok to use 95 guidelines for one patient and 97 guidelines for another patient in the same practice if 2 different individuals have worked on the coding of the 2 patients?
My understanding from attending Medicare workshops & webinars; Medicare will use the guideline that will benefit the provider. So, they might use "95" on 1 patient & "97" on another. So, your answer is yes.
You just can't use "95" & "97" guidelines on 1 patient, (95 guideline for HPI & 97 for exam) it is either/or.
EM Guidelines

Do you know of any online classes or seminars that will help me understand auditing EM codes for testing purposes? I am retaking my CENTC test and need help in this area. Thanks
NAMAS offers a pretty good course

The two day Namas seminar is pretty good, but it may be far more than you need. There is an E & M Auditing webinar that might do the trick for you though.