Wiki 95 Guidelines/Immunolgic Criteria


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Immunologic System 95 guidelines

If anyone has any links to where I can find info regarding criteria for the immunologic system for the physical exam using 95 guideines it would be greatly appreciated.
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1995 guidelines

The 1995 guidelines allow for 12 ORGAN systems in the exam - These are different from the 14 systems in the ROS.

For the 1995 exam Hematologic/Lympahtic/Immunological are all lumped into one organ system. An examination of anything related to any one of these area satisfies the requirement for that organ system.

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC
Well most of the providers at the practice I work with identify aspects of the hematologic system in their exam so its usually not an issue. A co-worker said if they identify that there is increased warmth in an extremity that could be applied to the immunologic system specifically, I was just hoping to find some documentation to support that.
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