Wiki 95 guidelines for PF examination


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This may seem like a silly question, but I need clarification on whether criteria listed under each organ system must be met. For example, under the constitutional organ system, the criteria listed are the following:
• Measurement of any three of the following seven vital
signs: 1) sitting or standing blood pressure, 2) supine blood
pressure, 3) pulse rate and regularity, 4) respiration, 5)
temperature, 6) height or 7) weight (may be measured and
recorded by ancillary staff)
• General appearance of patient (e.g., development,
nutrition, body habitus, deformities, attention to grooming)

Must both of these criteria be met in order to consider constitutional as an organ system?

Many thanks in advance.
The bulleted information you have copied here is from the 1997 Documentation Guidelines from one of the Exam templates.

To meet documentation requirements for 1995, a provider would qualify with a single positive or negative statement for the Constitutional organ system; not both bulleted points you have provided.

Constitutional: no complaints of fever

Constitutional: No acute distress

Constitutional: Haggard appearance, disheveled