Wiki 93970 & 93965 question


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need help with this case. Having discussion billing both 93970 and 93965
together. Any thoughts and insight very appreciated.
This study is for venous insuffiency...

Venous Duplex Ultrasound Lower Extremities with Provocative Maneuvers

TECHNIQUE: Real-time ultrasound with duplex and doppler imaging of the lower extremity veins with provocative maneuvers. Gray scale and color flow images were performed with spectral waveform analysis. All reflux documented represents greater than 1000 msec of retrograde flow in the vein imaged / identified. The patient was examined in the supine and upgright position.

FINDINGS: The common femoral, femoral and popliteal veins are patent fully compressible with good flow with no evidence for thrombosis. No significant deep venous insufficiency is seen.

Right Lower extremity:
GSV:insufficiency seen from saphenofemoral junction to knee with multiple varices in calf
SSV:no insufficiency seen

Left Lower extremity:
GSV:insufficiency seen from saphenofemoral junction to mid thigh with varices off it in mid thigh that extend to calf
SSV:no insufficiency seen

No evidence for deep venous thrombosis or deep venous insufficiency.
Superficial insufficiency of bilateral GSV