Wiki 93567 - This might have already been discussed


Chillicothe, OH
Best answers
This might have already been discussed on here but I couldn't find exactly what I need.

For 93567, does the physician have to document catheter location? I have findings which state: Aorta and Major Vessels - The thoracic aorta was dilated. The aortic valve was mildly stenotic with no regurgitation seen. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This might have already been discussed on here but I couldn't find exactly what I need.

For 93567, does the physician have to document catheter location? I have findings which state: Aorta and Major Vessels - The thoracic aorta was dilated. The aortic valve was mildly stenotic with no regurgitation seen. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I would like to see that a pigtail catheter was placed above the aortic valve with contrast injected, to see if there is any contrast going back into the LV. If the injection is to find origins of grafts, that is bundled into the graft imaging.

Jim Pawloski, CIRCC
Is it a requirement to bill that code that catheter placement be documented or is findings enough? I've always looked for an injection but I'm trying to find documentation to prove that catheter placement is needed.