Wiki 93306 Elements


Jacksonville, FL
Best answers
Does anyone have a guideline saying what makes a Echo Complete (93306). I had my documentation but I lost it!! :( The report i was coding was missing Superior/Inferior Vena Cava, and i remember that you must view those Sites in order to Bill 93306

Thank You
Here is the short sheet I use.

(93306) Complete Echo MUST includedes:
two dimensional/and when performed M-mode
Mulitple views, Spectral and Color flow doppler must be dictated
Left and Right atria
Left and Right Ventricles
the aortic, mitral and tricuspid valves
the pericardum and adjacent protions of the aorta

Additional structures that MAY be reported:
Pulmonary veins
Pulmonary artery
pulmonic valve
Inferior vena cava
Misty Dawn,

Where did you find the short list that you use? I am just starting Cardiology coding and am trying to find resources.

This can be found right in the CPT book in the guidelines under the "Echocardiography" section prior to all the various echo codes.

Jessica CPC, CCC
I got the list from the 2013 CPT reference guide for cardiovascular coding by the AMA/ACC. I usually purchase it from the ACC/Cardiosource website because my Doctor is member so I can get from him for a member price :)