Wiki 93306 (Echo's) family practice vs. cardiologists


Demopolis, AL
Best answers
I work for a family practice who has an accredited ElectrocardiographyTesting Lab through ICAVL. We are a 4-provider practice, we own all of our ultrasound/echocardiography equipment and one of my doctors (specialty is Family Practice) holds his RDMS as far as credentialling in performing and interpreting echocardiograms. I use procedure code 93306 unless it is a limited study, and Medicare re-imburses $232.74. We do not do stress electrocardiograms. We are located in Demopolis, Alabama. Again, my doctor is Board Certified in Family Practice; he is not a cardiologist.

My problem is he feels we are not getting paid correctly by Medicare, BlueCross BlueShield, and other insurances due to incorrect coding. He said we should be getting around $1000 according to "other doctors". I explained it probably has something to do with his specialty, location and the whole RBRVS deal. Could this be the case? I've googled everything I can think of (somewhat, ... as much as I could in about 20 minutes) to try to find the break-down of RBRVS for Family Practice and Demopolis, Alabama but with no success.

Can anyone help with this? :confused:

According to the reimbursements I have seen, you are right in the ballpark. I have not seen a $1,000.00 reimbursement even with a stress echo. I believe that your physician should check his contract and not listen to the other physicians, as I would bet that they are not even sure what they are actually reimbursed. Hope this helps.