Wiki 93010 - are multiple units allowed

are multiple units allowed for CPT 93010?

Yes you may bill multiple units; however, depending on the insurancewill determine how the units are billed.

Example Medicare 3 units
93010 1
93010/76 1
93010/76 1

Example Medicaid 3 units
93010 3

Florida Medicaid let us bundle the units all together for billing.
Yes you may bill multiple units; however, depending on the insurancewill determine how the units are billed.

Example Medicare 3 units
93010 1
93010/76 1
93010/76 1

Example Medicaid 3 units
93010 3

Florida Medicaid let us bundle the units all together for billing.

To clarify, are y ou saying 3 units are allowed?
Yes you can bill multiple EKG interps as long as medical necessity supports it. How it is billed on the claim should be determined by your carrier and how they prefer it be billed.

Be sure the EKG's were done as a diagnostic test (patient is having signs/symptoms or other indications) and not as a baseline screening before and/or after a procedure.
Also, if there is another procedure the same day, i.e. Echo, heart Cath, stress test, etc... you will have to append 59 to 93010. Double check with Florida but this is the case with Nebraska
are multiple units allowed for CPT 93010?

Yes you may bill multiple units; however, depending on the insurancewill determine how the units are billed.

Example Medicare 3 units
93010 1
93010/76 1
93010/76 1

Example Medicaid 3 units
93010 3

Florida Medicaid let us bundle the units all together for billing.
Is there any additional modifier need to be added for third EKG like 59 or XU?