Wiki 92201 and E/m visits billed together allowed?


Saint Johns, MI
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I have a provider in my peds specialty department who is an ophthalmologist. She regularly bills a 92201 or 92202 with a consult code or an e/m. She only see premature babies. Her documentation doesn't support billing both together. She only documents the 92201. I was talking to her about the need for more documentation to bill them both together. Then I can across an article that talked about ophthalmology coding and how sometime you have to chose between the e/m or the eye exam code, but 92201 or 92202 where not included in the article I found.
Does anyone know if you can bill a 92201 and e/m code together if the documentation is correct? thank you for your help.
An office visit has to be significant enough to warrant a charge. I always been taught to highlight everything that pertains to the 92201/02, if there were other things discussed and addressed, a separate E/M could be appropriate
You can bill the 92201 with the E/M code but the 92201 and 92202 codes each require an interpretation and report. If there isn't one for each code, then you can't bill them both.

Tom Cheezum, OD, CPC, COPC