Wiki 92060 and time


Parkston , SD
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The time spent performing a sensorimotor exam (92060) cannot be included in total time for visit correct? Provider is billing 92060, 99205, 99417 with documentation as start time: 10:01am stop time: 11:39am
I am coding ophthalmology services but I am still learning. My rational: you cannot use time spent on 92060 and add it to the Total time for E/M because the same MD is billing for 92060. For prolonged Outpatient , Inpatient E/M you don't need Start and Stop time (it was in a past for Inpatient) but pre new coding guidance, it's not required, just the Total time and then look at the Time table to determine if prolonged OUTpatient CPT 99417(medicaid payer) or G2212 (all other ) is applicable. I would ask MD to document the Total time for E/M services provided.
You can not add the 92060 time to the time for the office visit in order to qualify for a higher 99 code because you are being paid a separate fee for the 92060. This applies to any other testing done on the same date of service. For example, if a visual fields test is done on the same DOS as the office visit, the provider can not add the time it takes to write the Interpretation and Report for the fields test to the time for the OV to bring it to a higher level. Remember that the total fee paid for a test such as fields, is broken down into two separate fees, the technical, to do the test, and the professional, to do the I&R.