Wiki 90792 vs 99201-99205


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"...90792 may be reported more than once for the patient when separate diagnostic evaluations are conducted with patient and other informants." Does this same rule apply if the psychiatrist chooses to report a new patient e/m code?
Code 90791 and 90792 reports a psychiatric diagnostic interview exam including a complete medical and psychiatric history, a mental status exam, ordering of laboratory and other diagnostic studies with interpretation, and communication with other sources or informants. What E&M would the Psychiatrist be billing in addition to the 90791 or 90792?
If the psychiatrist is billing an 99204 or 99205 then they could not bill a 90792 as there is a CCI edit for these two codes that does not allow for any modifier.
What about the 3 year rule regarding new patients. If one episode of care ends in 12 months but the client needs to return 12 months later, can the psychiatrist bill another 99204 99205 for a new psych eval for this second episode of care? Thanks for your, much appreciated!
If the patient received any care from that provider within 3 years, they are not a new patient--even if they have a new problem that requires starting the work up from scratch.
90792 is not subject to the 3 year rule as for example the 99211-99215 are. The diagnostic interview exam is done when the provider first sees a patient, but may also be utilized again for a new episode of illness, or for re-admission as an inpatient due to underlying complications.
90792 is not subject to the 3 year rule as for example the 99211-99215 are. The diagnostic interview exam is done when the provider first sees a patient, but may also be utilized again for a new episode of illness, or for re-admission as an inpatient due to underlying complications.
My auditor stated that the 90792 has to be coded down to the code range 99202-99205 if the documentation does not support 90792 because the patient is a new patient. Is this correct?
Why would you code it down to an office visit? My teachings stated that these can be charged each time a new illness is found to be present? Mind you payor can limit this.