Wiki 90785 interactive complexity help!


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I have a psych physician wanting to bill 99232 with 90785 (no psychotherapy done). I'm reading in the coding book and it sounds contradicting. The paragraph before the code states "interactive complexity is not a factor for E/M except as it directy affects key components as defined in the E/M services guidelines (history/exam/MDM)." (Which sounds like it is billable). Then below that is states "Do not report 90785 in conjunction with E/M services when no psychotherapy service is also reported." (not billable) which is it??? or am i reading this incorrectly?? PLEASE HELP! :)
Interactive complexity is specific and for recognized communication difficulties for various types of patients and situations that may bring significant complicating factors to the psychiatric treatment, and raising the overall intensity of the procedure; such as language difficulties, disclosure of a sentinel event, caregiver emotional interference, etc.
90785 may NOT be reported with an E&M that is not provided in conjunction with a psychiatric service.
Meaning if the communication difficulty affected the capture of the 3 key components of an E&M and only when the E&M is performed in conjunction with psych services.