Wiki 900 codes

I agree I do not think I have used all or even read all of the 900 codes but every one that I have used required an E code. Do you have a specific issue?
I dont think all of them require E code. Let say for example Dx 998.32 Disruption of external operation (surgical) wound. Why would it require E code?
yes but there are 2 e codes for this one says it was due to a misadventure during surgery and the other says there was no misadventure during surgery, it is kind of an important issue.
So just curious cause I never thought of it before, what E code would you use with a 900 code for either Mechanical complication of an IUD (intrauterine device) or Infection due to IUD(Intrauterine device). I have always used the 900 codes, but never thought of looking for an E code to go with them.
It would depend on the documentation can you be more specific?

Here is an example that popped up in the OBGyn discussion thread:

"Pt's IUD is laying sideways in the uterine cavity and one end is embedded into the right lower endometrium.

Diagnoses: 1. Abnormal position of intrauterine device
2. Pelvic pain, acute

Procedure: Hysteroscopy and removal of mal-positioned IUD. (Done as outpt at hosp)

This is what I want to code:
996.32 and 625.9 with procedure code 58562.

I do not want to add 58301 because I think that is accounted for in 58562. Would it hurt if I also added V25.12 as another diagnosis? "

I advised this coder to add the V25.12 to the other two codes and not to bill the 58301 as it is included in the 58562. What do you think?
Your 996.32 is for a mechanical complication of the device, meaning it malfunctioned cause the pain.. in the OCt 1 2012 guidelines the provider must state the cause and effect relationship meaning he would have say the pelvic pain is due to a malfunction of the IUD. Your note says the IUD was malpositioned, is that a device failure? or a surgical failure? In any event if the device failed then add the E code E878.9 to show no misadventure at the time of the procedure. You are coding for a removal of an impacted foreign body, your note says a malpositioned IUD, therefoe you have to go with the 58301 . I did look and did not find a CCI edit for 58555 with the 58301, please double check this and if there is none then code both.
After giving it a second thought and rereading your note you did say it was embedded in the uterine wall I do agree with the use of 58562 as the procedure code and no to the 58301 sorry for any confusion there.
After giving it a second thought and rereading your note you did say it was embedded in the uterine wall I do agree with the use of 58562 as the procedure code and no to the 58301 sorry for any confusion there.

And I see the use for the E code in this circumstance! I have never used E codes in OB/Gyn coding so this is very interesting! Thanks for the is a good day when I learn something new! :)
Thanks for your feedback. The code I'm concerned about is 995.3 Allergy, unspecified. Does it need an E code? Most of the time, the documentation doesn't say what caused the allergy
can you give all of the note concerning the the issue? I can think of a dozen different E codes but each one for a different scenario.