Wiki 76937 Ultrasound Guidance for vascular access Documentation


Canal Winchester, OH
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Any input is greatly appreciated, I have a question in regards to the documentation for CPT code 76937(add on code), I know the requirements that has to be a part of the documentation in order to bill (requires a permanent recorded image(s) of the vascular access site to be included in the patient record as well as a documented description of the process), but it is unclear if that documentation has to reflect using the Ultrasound with the service that qualifies as a primary code, my thoughts is, it does, based on the information from CPT...Example: If the Physician performs Transcatheter placement of an intravascular stent(37236) CPT states Report 76937 for ultrasound guidance for vascular access, when peformed in conjunction with 37236-37239...Is it correct to think that there should also be documentation that the Ultrasound service was used when performing the stent placement? My physicians want to bill for 76937 when performing a qualifying primary code service, BUT their documentation although fits the requirements, i.e permanent recorded image placed in the patients medical record, they are not using the Ultrasound for the service that qualifies as the primary service, they are actually using the Ultrasound for assisting with entering the femoral Vein before performing the heart cath and once they have entered the vein, the Ultrasound is not used to assist with the stent placement. Can someone clarify this, if my assumption is correct can you provide where I can find this info, because my Physician's will want to see it in writing. Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.