Wiki 76000


Oshkosh, WI
Best answers
Hello all,

I mostly code for Urology and the urologist I work with like to circle the 76000 and I am unsure of what kind of documentation needs to be there to support this code. On my route sometimes I see 15.7 seconds by the fluoro code. I'm just plain confused. Unsure if I should be asking this here or in the Urology section. But since it is a radiology code I came here first. I don't know what needs to be in the documentation so this code can be billed. I am finding that if it is an integral part of the procedure it is not necessary but where can I find that it is integral?

Oh the joys of being a new coder. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Thank you!
Hello all,

I mostly code for Urology and the urologist I work with like to circle the 76000 and I am unsure of what kind of documentation needs to be there to support this code. On my route sometimes I see 15.7 seconds by the fluoro code. I'm just plain confused. Unsure if I should be asking this here or in the Urology section. But since it is a radiology code I came here first. I don't know what needs to be in the documentation so this code can be billed. I am finding that if it is an integral part of the procedure it is not necessary but where can I find that it is integral?

Oh the joys of being a new coder. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Thank you!

Hi Kayla,
76000 is the charge for fluoroscopy used for 1 hr of physician time. If he goes over one hour, you add 76001 for an additional hour. You also use your Urology codes for the procedure.
Hope that helps,
Jim Pawloski, CIRCC:)
What would be needed in the providers documentation to support this code?

Also a lot of the time my providered write next to this code "9.5 seconds" (or something along those lines) and the coder who trained me before she retired said that this code cannot be used then if they only use it for a short period of time. Is this correct?
What would be needed in the providers documentation to support this code?

Also a lot of the time my providered write next to this code "9.5 seconds" (or something along those lines) and the coder who trained me before she retired said that this code cannot be used then if they only use it for a short period of time. Is this correct?

I would say that if fluoro time is documented, that should work. But I would like to have a hard copy image, just in case some third party payer wants it to be proved.
