Wiki 69200 Removal foreign body from external auditory canal; without general anesthesia


Escondido, CA
Best answers
Hello - provider submitted 69610 & 69200. Per Encoder, there isn't an edit, and it says: Do not report 69200 for removal of PE tubes. The removal of ventilating tubes is included in the charge for insertion, regardless of how long afterwards removal occurs. If ventilating tubes were removed by another physician, see 69424. This wasn't performed under anesthesia therefore 69424 wouldn't be correct. Also, this provider did not insert the PE tubes.

Is the FBR billable since he did not insert the tubes nor was anesthesia used? I have 69610 for the repair.

Procedure: Under the operating microscope, the left ear was examined. There was a retained PE tube with some surrounding crusting. The tube was freed and removed with micro instruments. The crusting was cleaned from the ear canal. The middle ear mucosa looks healthy. The edges of the resultant perforation were cauterized with phenol. A paper patch was then placed to cover the perforation. A small amount of bacitracin ointment was applied.

PE tube removal and paper patch myringoplasty were then performed on the right side in a similar fashion. Good hemostasis was observed. He tolerated the procedure without difficulty.