Wiki 64450 - Patient has 3 fingers fractured


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Patient has 3 fingers fractured on the same hand. Provider did a digital block on 2 . Can I bill for 2 and if so would it be a 51 or 59 modifier?

Thank you for any help.
it's my understanding that if the block was used for "anesthetic purposes" it's not separtely billable. it's included in the procedure code for the fracture treatment.
if not for anesthetic purposes

If the 64450 x2 is not for anesthetic purposes, you carrier may want it 2 different ways.

64450x1 (indicate lt/rt/digits)
64450x1 76 (indicate lt/rt/digits

however for 2 Medicare macs that I bill this code to they want 64450x2 (indicate lt/rt/digits)

There has been a lot of talk and coding guidelines for this code as of late within Medicare. Be prepared for a possible note review---again, if this is a separate service.
postop pain management

if anesthesia procedure was done same day 64450-59, 64450-51-59.
if post op pain management performed next day 64450, 64450-51.
i encounter this kind of scenario everyday. i have not seen any denial from insurances..

can not use modifier 76 because both blocks are given on diff digital nerves.:):)
digital block

Hi, you say a digital block was done; was the digital block done for pain management so Dr could examine Fx's or was a procedure actually done and if so what procedure?
You may want to consider using the corresponding finger modifiers, FA, F1-F9 to identify the location of the digital nerve blocks if they are separately billable.