Wiki 63042 vs 63030

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I come across this several times and I always seem to question the coding.
If a patient is having (out of the post-op period) Rt Re-do lami/disc L5-S1 and a lt new lami/disc L5-S1 and Bil L4-5 and has a claim for each side. Re-do and then New.

Would I code them 63042-50 for L5-S1 and 63030 Bilateral L4-5

Using the re-do code 63042-50 for the re-do and new because it is the same level?

I appreciate your insight.
63030 vs 63042

Hi and thank you
My concern is the re-do rt L5-S1 and New Lt L5-S1. Would I just use the 63042-50 since it is the same interspace even though one side is re-do and the other side is "new".

Right now I am just trying to get the surgery authorized because there are two claims one for RT L5-S1 re-do the other claim is for L4-5

Thanks again