Wiki 60% touch


Local Chapter Officer
Cape Coral, FL
Best answers
If I am required to do a minimum "60% touch" of all encounters, how do I figure this out? I have about 15 providers - do I count each of their encounters each day and figure out what 60% of that days work is - code that and move on to the next provider & day? Is there an easier way that isn't as time consuming to figure this?
What do you mean by 60% touch? I have never heard this before. For correct coding you must read all documentation prior to code assignment, even if the provider assigns the codes. So if that is what you are referring to there is no 60%, you read all notes before creating the claim for reimbursement.
I know that I have to completely code the whole encounter - what I mean is if I have say 200 encounters for 1 date of service from 10 different providers and I have to code a minimum of 60% of those encounters (as opposed to coding all of those encounters which would be 100% touch) is there an easier way of figuring the 60% rather than by counting and doing the math? I don't think there is but a co-worker was asking so I thought I would check with this group.