Wiki -59 or -76


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I have a CT HIP RT W/O CONT 73700 & CT KNEE LT W/O CONT also 73700. They were done on the same day, read by the same radiologist. So my question is, do I use modifier "-76" because it is the same CPT & same physician on the same day or do I use "-59" because even thou it's the same CPT they are two different procedures (not repeats)?

Advice please, hopefully with documentation...
73700-26-59 & 73700-26 or 73700-26-76 & 73700-26
mod -76 would not be the correct one to use, as it would be for the same procedure on the same body part, ie dx the same, a -59 or even -51 depending upon the carrier.
Thank you I was thinking -59, but there was some differ of opinions. There is 2 seperate reports, plenty of documentation.