Wiki 58999 for medicare iud insertions


Uncasville, CT
Best answers

I was wondering if anyone is receiving any reimbursement regarding these. If your sending in a comparison code for the closest amount of work etc... or any insight into these at all?

Thank you!
We haven't received any info that they are not being paid, but the dx must be N85.00 or N85.01. 58300 for comparison.
what amount are you charging for 58999? i thought that's always 0.00 because it's an unlisted procedure code?
You may not ask what they are charging on this forum. You must determine your own costs when pricing an unlisted code. And in this case you should be referencing the code for an IUD insertion.
what amount are you charging for 58999? i thought that's always 0.00 because it's an unlisted procedure code?
You should never charge $0 for an unlisted. Unlisted codes should be priced based on what you are comparing them to. In this case, you would compare it to an IUD insertion since that is exactly what is being done and price accordingly.

Also, to answer the original question, I do the coding portion, but not claim follow up unless the business office asks for coding assistance. I have not had anyone reach out to me with questions or issues regarding 58999 for these.