Wiki 58660 - Doc came in and looked but nothing else


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Dr A performed an 58660: Surgical laparoscopy with lysis of adhesions. He found a mass attached to the patient's sigmoid colon and asked Dr B to come into the OR and take a look. Dr B came into the OR and placed a trocar to get a better view of the mass. He determined that the patient should come in for outpatient visit and discuss further surgical options. Dr B left the OR and Dr A finished the procedure.

Dr A is billing for the 58660. Dr B wants to bill for his part of the procedure as well and wants to bill the 58660 along with an -80 or -62 modifier.

I don't feel that -62 is correct as they were not acting as 2 surgeons performing distinct parts of the procedure. Dr A did most of the procedure.

Modifier -80 doesn't seem accurate either so any advise ya'll can lend is appreciated. Thanks!
Are the two surgeons of the same specialty? If so, then mod 62 would not be appropriate. I don't think it's appropriate to append the 80 modifier either in this scenario.

Based on your scenario, it would not be appropriate for Dr. B to bill out the 58660 as it doesn't sound like he did any lysis of adhesions. If there isn't a more appropriate code, you could try billing out the 58660 with a modifier 52 & 77 appended.

If you sent notes to support EACH doctor's separate dictation, your claim is supported with the appended modifiers if there are no other appropriate CPT codes available for Dr. B.
It sounds like Dr. B is providing a consultation. The fact that he placed a trocar to get a better view is incidental to his consultation.