Wiki 52285 vs 52281?


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When coding for a urethral dilation and cystoscopy for a female patient, what's the difference between 52285 and 52281? It seems like both codes would be applicable with a diagnosis of urethral stricture.

Patient has recurring UTIs and urethral stenosis. She had a dilation in the past which helped. Presents this time for dilation and cystoscopy.
Findings: Mildly tight urethra dilated from 18 French to 34 French. Bladder had 2+ trabeculations without any stones or tumors. Ureteral orifices were effluxing clear urine bilaterally and were normal in size shape and position.
Procedure: The urethra was sounded from 18 French to 34 French with sequential urethral sounds. Then using the 22 French scope was passed into the bladder with findings stated above. Scope was removed. Patient sent to recovery in stable condition.

52285 includes several procedures in treatment of the female urethral syndrome which in my mind has never been completely defined. Therefore, I always use 52281 and not 52285 for endoscopy and urethral dilation. I may use 52285 in the female for the other procedures that have been included in the code definition.