Wiki 50590 two stones


Lowell, MI
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Two stones on right side, one in ureter, one in kidney. I had billed for 50590-rt with diag n20.0 2nd stone 50590-rt-xs with n20.1. We received payment on one, zero on the other. I had appealed and lost the appeal. Does this sound correct to everyone? I get that two stones ie in ureter or kidney wouldnt be paid, but different locations? I cant find anything definitive. Thanks!
That's correct. Per the NCCI rules, the maximum number of units for codes involving treatment of stones is one per side, note per stone. Per the NCCI Policy Manual, Chapter VII H.3: The unit of service for a procedure describing destruction or removal of renal system calculus(i) is one. The unit of service is not each calculus. If a procedure for destruction or removal of renal system calculi is performed bilaterally, the CPT code may be reported with modifier 50 and one unit of service.