Wiki -50 or -RT & -LT??

Littleton, CO
Best answers
I thought I read "somewhere" that we are to no longer use "-RT" and "-LT" with bilateral procedures, but I cannot verify this anywhere on line. Does anyone have any info they can pass along to me regarding the bilateral modifier(s)?
That I know of, we still have to use -RT and -LT for bilateral procedures.

I know that for x-rays and injections, we have been successfully using the -RT and -LT for bilateral with mod -59 on the second x-ray/injection.

Sorry, but I'm not sure where to find that in writing. Like I said... All I can say for sure is that we are getting payment coding that way.
BCBS wants bilateral codes billed with a 50 for injections and xrays. Not all insurances are requiring this and it is ok to still use LT and RT for them.