Wiki 48 Hour Telemetry PH Study


Carrollton, GA
Best answers
Procedure Description states: A 48-hour ambulatory pH monitoring utilizing the Bravo telemetry capsule was performed with the capsule placed at the time of endoscopy using the Z-line as reference. The capsule was placed 6 cm proximal to the Z-line.

The tracing was not satisfactory. Two hours after the capsule was placed, the capsule fell off of the patient's esophagus and dropped into the gastric lumen, and the graph shows the capsule in the gastic lumen and then passing into the small intestines.

Question: Can I still bill the professional component even though the study wasn't completed?
Was there any usable data for the doctor to read? If so I would use the 52 modifier and mark on the claim what happened.

If not, then no because the doctor didn't do anything.

I should amend that statement.

The doctor can charge for the placement of the capsule (43235, I think) if he did it endoscopically.
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Agreed. Bill the EGD for the capsule placement and the technical component for the capsule itself. Do not bill the professional component.

P.S. Given has been reporting some problems with the Bravo capsules that cause them to not attach correctly and deploy early - preventing accurate readings. Contact the company if you are having these problems consistently and see if you can get your capsules replaced free of charge.