My physician was doing an EGD. He removed a polyp and had to use a hemoclip to control bleeding due to removal of polyp.
Can I bill 43239 AND 43255?
I always thought 43255 was for control of bleeding in another area or a post-op bleeding that was returned to the op room.
For example, doing an egd and polypectomy and controlling bleeding in a gastric ulcer or once an egd is done, the patient goes home, but has bleeding comes back to the hospital to have it controlled.
What do you think?
Lori Isner, CMA, CPC
Can I bill 43239 AND 43255?
I always thought 43255 was for control of bleeding in another area or a post-op bleeding that was returned to the op room.
For example, doing an egd and polypectomy and controlling bleeding in a gastric ulcer or once an egd is done, the patient goes home, but has bleeding comes back to the hospital to have it controlled.
What do you think?
Lori Isner, CMA, CPC