Wiki 43246, 44120 and 44310 with modifier 78


Dighton, MA
Best answers
Hello Fellow Coders:

Would someone be able to brake this down for me? 43246, 44120 and 44310 with modifier 78 were billed and the auditing company stated the record does not support any of the services billed?

So, was wondering if someone can shade some light on this surgical case.

Any guidelines or explanation would be greatly appreciated.

I have posted the op note below:

Preoperative diagnosis: Open abdomen, intestinal discontinuity
Postoperative diagnosis: #1 persistent, but improved, patchy ischemia of the small intestine

Procedure: Exploratory laparotomy, abdominal washout, partial resection of small intestine and transverse colon, enterorrhaphy, end ileostomy, gastrostomy

Specimen: Portion of ileum, ileocolonic anastomosis, portion of transverse colon

Findings: Persistent but improved patchy ischemia in the small intestine. One area of concern oversewn with interrupted 3-0 Vicryl Lembert sutures

I have proposed exploratory laparotomy, possible bowel resection, gastrostomy, and abdominal washout.

Operative technique: After obtaining adequate informed signed the patient was taken the operating theater. He was placed in supine position operative table with arms outstretched on padded arm boards. Safety belt was placed across the lower extremities. The outer components of the ABThera open abdominal closure device were removed. The abdomen was prepped and draped in standard sterile surgical fashion. The inner components of the ABThera removed and passed off the field. The abdomen was entered and fluid was suctioned from the field. The involved area of the small intestine from the prior operation was delivered up and into the field and carefully inspected. Continued patchy areas of partial ischemia were noted. In 1 such area, a enterorrhaphy was performed with interrupted 3-0 Vicryl Lembert sutures to imbricate this area of concern. The other areas appeared otherwise viable. The distal 20 cm of ileum leading into the ileocolonic anastomosis continued to have evidence of patchy ischemia, and although there was no apparent leakage at the ileocolonic staple line, after inspection of this area, I determined it would be prudent to resect this, as well as the anastomosis to avoid additional risk of leakage in the near term in favor of a long Hartman's pouch decompressing distally. Distal to the anastomosis along the transverse colon a window was made in the mesentery and this mesenteric window was extended with LigaSure. The GIA 75 stapler was directed across this window, closed and fired. The mesentery to the ileocolonic anastomosis was then taken. This freed up the specimen which was passed off the field labeled portion of ileum, ileocolonic anastomosis with portion of transverse colon. I turned my attention back to the cut edge of the mesentery to the terminal extent of the ileum and determine the last several centimeters here I would need to be resected back to viable tissue as well for the purpose of exteriorization and ostomy. An ostomy aperture was developed 2 fingerbreadths superior and lateral to the umbilicus by excising the skin disc, dissecting through subcutaneous tissues to the rectus muscle anterior fascia which was divided in a cruciate manner. The muscle belly was then bluntly divided by spreading with clamps, and the posterior sheath was incised vertically with electrocautery pencil with my hand on the abdominal side to protect the underlying abdominal contents. When the ostomy aperture was developed an extra small Alexis wound retractor was directed through it. We now turned attention to placement of a gastrostomy tube. The stomach was delivered down into the field with use of Babcock clamps. Lateral to the upper portion of the upper midline incision a small skin incision was made with a #15 blade. A 0 Vicryl pursestring suture was placed in the stomach at the proposed site of tube placement. On either side of this pursestring suture 0 silk stay sutures were placed for fixation to the abdominal wall. Once the sutures were in place I delivered a 22 French MIC gastrostomy tube through the abdominal wall into the abdomen. The balloon was tested and held air for several minutes. The balloon was then collapsed and a gastrotomy was made with the electrocautery pencil and the gastrostomy tube was delivered into the stomach under direct visualization. At this point the nasogastric tube had been removed. With the tube in the stomach the balloon was inflated and the tube passed freely back-and-forth through the gastric wall. The pursestring suture was now secured snugly around the tube itself. To motility was again tested and the tube spun easily in place and move forward and backwards. With the balloon now seated just underneath the pursestring suture the 0 silk sutures were used to secure the stomach to the abdominal wall. When these fixation sutures were secured we turned our attention back to the ostomy aperture. The small intestine was delivered through the abdominal wall. We then closed the midline fascia using #1 looped PDS 1 begun superiorly, 1 begun inferiorly and the 2 joint just above the umbilicus. The end ileostomy was matured with interrupted 3-0 Vicryl sutures achieving 1-1/2 cm of Brooke eversion. An ostomy appliance was cut to fit. A black sponge wound VAC was then placed on the midline and placed to the KCI vacuum system in the usual manner. At this point the procedure was complete.

Thereafter anesthesia was reversed, the patient was extubated, and patient was taken to intensive care unit having tolerated procedure well no apparent complication. All sponge instrument and sharp counts were reported as correct by the operating staff. I was present and scrubbed for the entire case as detailed.
Hello the 43246 is not correct as EGD wasn't done for this.
Code 49440 with 52 for reduced service if the fluoroscopic guidance with imaging and report weren't done.
Why using mod 78 on 44310? Is there a global period still?
I agree with codes 44120/44310
Were 43246 and 44120 billed for the first surgery and only 44310-78 for the one noted here? The first two sound like what would have previously been done since this gastrostomy was not placed via EGD and no anastomosis was done at this surgery.
Hi- Interesting case.

I’m learning towards

CPT 44602.59
CPT44160.52 (no anastomosis)
CPT 43830

I like 44160, looks like this was taken in one resection. Portion of ileum, ileocolonic anastomosis, portion of transverse colon. Reason I don’t want to add CPT 44120.52.As for the G tube, this is OPEN. So you’ll be looking at 43830 in this context.
I hope this helps.


Note this new rule from CPT assistant, reason I added CPT 44602 in this context.

CPT® Assistant-July-2023

Scenario A patient undergoes suture repair of one section of the colon and a partial colectomy, resection, and anastomosis of a different section of the colon.

How to Report The colectomy procedure would be reported with code 44140, Colectomy, partial; with anastomosis, and the suture repair in a different section of the colon with code 44604, Suture of large intestine (colorrhaphy) for perforated ulcer, diverticulum, wound, injury or rupture (single or multiple perforations); without colostomy. Reporting both procedures would be considered unbundling if both procedures were performed at the same site (eg, suturing the anastomosis after resection); therefore, modifier 59 would be appended to the lower-value code (44604) to indicate that the suture repair was performed in a different section of the colon and that it was a distinct service.

Preoperative diagnosis: Open abdomen, intestinal discontinuity
Postoperative diagnosis: #1 persistent, but improved, patchy ischemia of the small intestine

Procedure: Exploratory laparotomy, abdominal washout, partial resection of small intestine and transverse colon, enterorrhaphy, end ileostomy, gastrostomy

Specimen: Portion of ileum, ileocolonic anastomosis, portion of transverse colon

Findings: Persistent but improved patchy ischemia in the small intestine. One area of concern oversewn with interrupted 3-0 Vicryl Lembert sutures

I have proposed exploratory laparotomy, possible bowel resection, gastrostomy, and abdominal washout.

Operative technique: After obtaining adequate informed signed the patient was taken the operating theater. He was placed in supine position operative table with arms outstretched on padded arm boards. Safety belt was placed across the lower extremities. The outer components of the ABThera open abdominal closure device were removed. The abdomen was prepped and draped in standard sterile surgical fashion. The inner components of the ABThera removed and passed off the field. The abdomen was entered and fluid was suctioned from the field. The involved area of the small intestine from the prior operation was delivered up and into the field and carefully inspected. Continued patchy areas of partial ischemia were noted. In 1 such area, a enterorrhaphy 44602 performed with interrupted 3-0 Vicryl Lembert sutures to imbricate this area of concern. The other areas appeared otherwise viable. The distal 20 cm of ileum leading into the ileocolonic anastomosis continued to have evidence of patchy ischemia, and although there was no apparent leakage at the ileocolonic staple line, after inspection of this area, I determined it would be prudent to resect this, as well as the anastomosis to avoid additional risk of leakage in the near term in favor of a long Hartman's pouch decompressing distally. Distal to the anastomosis along the transverse colon a window was made in the mesentery and this mesenteric window was extended with LigaSure. The GIA 75 stapler was directed across this window, closed and fired. The mesentery to the ileocolonic anastomosis 44160 was then taken. This freed up the specimen which was passed off the field labeled portion of ileum, ileocolonic anastomosis with portion of transverse colon. I turned my attention back to the cut edge of the mesentery to the terminal extent of the ileum and determine the last several centimeters here I would need to be resected back to viable tissue as well for the purpose of exteriorization and ostomy. An ostomy aperture was developed 2 fingerbreadths superior and lateral to the umbilicus by excising the skin disc, dissecting through subcutaneous tissues to the rectus muscle anterior fascia which was divided in a cruciate manner. The muscle belly was then bluntly divided by spreading with clamps, and the posterior sheath was incised vertically with electrocautery pencil with my hand on the abdominal side to protect the underlying abdominal contents. When the ostomy aperture 44310 was developed an extra small Alexis wound retractor was directed through it. We now turned attention to placement of a gastrostomy tube. The stomach was delivered down into the field with use of Babcock clamps. Lateral to the upper portion of the upper midline incision a small skin incision was made with a #15 blade. A 0 Vicryl pursestring suture was placed in the stomach at the proposed site of tube placement. On either side of this pursestring suture 0 silk stay sutures were placed for fixation to the abdominal wall. Once the sutures were in place I delivered a 22 French MIC gastrostomy tube 43830 through the abdominal wall into the abdomen. The balloon was tested and held air for several minutes. The balloon was then collapsed and a gastrotomy was made with the electrocautery pencil and the gastrostomy tube was delivered into the stomach under direct visualization. At this point the nasogastric tube had been removed. With the tube in the stomach the balloon was inflated and the tube passed freely back-and-forth through the gastric wall. The pursestring suture was now secured snugly around the tube itself. To motility was again tested and the tube spun easily in place and move forward and backwards. With the balloon now seated just underneath the pursestring suture the 0 silk sutures were used to secure the stomach to the abdominal wall. When these fixation sutures were secured we turned our attention back to the ostomy aperture. The small intestine was delivered through the abdominal wall. We then closed the midline fascia using #1 looped PDS 1 begun superiorly, 1 begun inferiorly and the 2 joint just above the umbilicus. The end ileostomy was matured with interrupted 3-0 Vicryl sutures achieving 1-1/2 cm of Brooke eversion. An ostomy appliance was cut to fit. A black sponge wound VAC was then placed on the midline and placed to the KCI vacuum system in the usual manner. At this point the procedure was complete.

Thereafter anesthesia was reversed, the patient was extubated, and patient was taken to intensive care unit having tolerated procedure well no apparent complication. All sponge instrument and sharp counts were reported as correct by the operating staff. I was present and scrubbed for the entire case as detailed.
Thank you for clarifying.

Some of guys had questions about the use of the modifier 78. That modifier was used on all 3 codes 43246, 44120 and 44310. Patient has previous surgeries within the same inpatient stay.


Thank you for outlining the op note.

We already reported cpt 44205 so I thought the 44160 can't be coded again.

Thanks again.
Have a good weekend