Wiki 401 essential HTN versus 402, 403, 404, 405

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Tempe, AZ
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Help! 401 essential HTN versus 402, 403, 404, 405


Can someone clarify this for me? In the ICD-9 book in the Hypertension section it says near the essential HTN codes:

OGCR Section I.C.7.a.1 – Assign hypertension (arterial), (essential), (systemic), (NOS), to category code 401 with appropriate fourth digit to indicate malignant (.0), benign (.1), or unspecified (.9). *Do not use either .0 malignant or .1 benign unless medical record documentation supports such a designation.
My question is does this *rule also apply to the other HTN codes 402, 403, 404, 405?

I will also post this in the Cardiology section...

Thank you soooo much
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Anyone? Please?


Can someone clarify this for me? In the ICD-9 book in the Hypertension section it says near the essential HTN codes:

OGCR Section I.C.7.a.1 – Assign hypertension (arterial), (essential), (systemic), (NOS), to category code 401 with appropriate fourth digit to indicate malignant (.0), benign (.1), or unspecified (.9). *Do not use either .0 malignant or .1 benign unless medical record documentation supports such a designation.
My question is does this *rule also apply to the other HTN codes 402, 403, 404, 405?

I will also post this in the Cardiology section...

Thank you soooo much

Anyone? Please? :)
as far as assignment of benign vs malignant? yes it applies across the board to all hypertension codes. I cannot wait for ICD-10 CM when this will no longer be an issue!
as far as assignment of benign vs malignant? yes it applies across the board to all hypertension codes. I cannot wait for ICD-10 CM when this will no longer be an issue!

Thank you so much! I know how you feel.. ICD-10 can't come soon enough..
Have a great evening!