Wiki 3M Encoder


Phoenix, AZ
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Hello Fellow Coders,

I am wondering if anyone out there uses the 3M encoder? I have noticed with this encoder that it rearranges the codes I put in and completely ignores coding guidelines. As an example I will put in my PDX (principal Diagnosis) as F332 followed by the secondary code of R45851 and continue to list additional diagnosis. Patient also was HIV + B20 with some additional medical diagnosis. We are an acute mental health hospital so the patients MDD and suicidal ideation was the reason for the admit, with the HIV being incidental and was not treated by our MD's. I listed my codes in that order F332, R45851, B20 and additional codes as needed/listed by the MD. After I went to print my coding sheet, 3M had re-arranged the codes with B20 listed second. I also noticed that when my patients have obestity and I code the E66* with the BMI, the BMI's are listed before the E66 code, which I know is incorrect.

Has anyone else seen this? If so is there a workaround so that I can sequence my codes correctly in the encoder?

Any help is appreciated!
I used 3M encoder for many years and never noticed it doing something like this. It’s possible that it may have something to do with the encoder interface with your billing system or with the way your encoder settings are configured. In either case, 3M has an excellent helpdesk, and I’m sure they can either explain this to you or help you resolve it if you call them and open a ticket. In my experience, they always responded very quickly to inquiries.
Thank you for the reply! I think you may be right in thinking it's related to the interface with our billing. Any thoughts about how this would effect me as a coder with relation to coding guidelines and sequencing? Since it isn't me that is listing the codes would I have a leg to stand on with audits? We are audited every quarter.
Thank you for the reply! I think you may be right in thinking it's related to the interface with our billing. Any thoughts about how this would effect me as a coder with relation to coding guidelines and sequencing? Since it isn't me that is listing the codes would I have a leg to stand on with audits? We are audited every quarter.
I don't how it will affect you, but your auditors need to be aware of the limitations of your system and shouldn't be citing errors for something you don't have control over. Have you not brought this to the attention of your management yet? In any case, it's my understanding that aside from the principal diagnosis, the sequencing of additional codes generally doesn't affect payment in any way, so as long as the encoder isn't changing your principal code, then I don't see this as being a really critical problem.
Yes, I told my boss what I was noticing and she suggested I reach out to our corporate office. They are all mostly RHIT's or RHIA's, which is wonderful but they don't code really, they audit. Either way they advised me that they basically set up the encoder to list secondary codes in a hierarchy based on DRG's. I'm a stickler for coding guidelines so in my mind they supersede everything and tend to forget that billing and payment is a whole other beast with it's own rules and guidelines. Now that I know it's on purpose and won't affect my scores and why they do it, I feel better. Thank you so much for your replies and clarification!