Wiki 37226 and selective cath/procedures

Lisa Bledsoe

True Blue
Greeley, Colorado
Best answers
If 37226 is performed, and the physician also documents selective catheterization of the anterior tibal, posterior tibial and peroneal vessels for which he infused hepariized saline and then instilled nitroglycerine...well, how would that be coded?
If 37226 is performed, and the physician also documents selective catheterization of the anterior tibal, posterior tibial and peroneal vessels for which he infused hepariized saline and then instilled nitroglycerine...well, how would that be coded?

Hi Lisa,
I check CCI edits, and I think your out of luck. The selectives and nitro are bundled into procedure.
Have a good week!
Jim Pawloski, CIRCC
Hi Lisa,
I check CCI edits, and I think your out of luck. The selectives and nitro are bundled into procedure.
Have a good week!
Jim Pawloski, CIRCC

Hi Jim - are you using 37202 and 75896? I want to make sure I have those correct, even if I can't report them. However, according to my encoder 37202 can be billed with 37226 if mod -59 is appended. So, now I wonder if I was even on the right track! :eek:
Thanks again for your help and expertise!
Hi Jim - are you using 37202 and 75896? I want to make sure I have those correct, even if I can't report them. However, according to my encoder 37202 can be billed with 37226 if mod -59 is appended. So, now I wonder if I was even on the right track! :eek:
Thanks again for your help and expertise!

I would not use 37202 in this case. You use 37202 for a long term infusion of a drug, like urokinase type procedure. Best one that I can think of is using Papaverine in a SMA spasm case, where it is infused through a catheter for a long period of time. The nitro was an injection of a vessel.
I have a problem with the CPT's terminology for the code, but see what the third party payers would do. Anyone else have an opinion?


This is an interesting question...however, I would not code 37202/75896 for treatment (by a physician) of vasospam during a revascularization procedure since the intervention (37226 etc) includes whatever reasonable work necessary to achieve desired result.

Also, 96374 is "not intented to be reported by the physician in the facility setting" per cpt description in the instructions at the beginning of section on Therapeutic, Prophylactic and Diagnostic Injections and Infusions. Is this "push" being performed by staff in a hospital?

This is just my opinion, not my specialty so maybe someone else can chime in with a better response.

HTH :)
This is an interesting question...however, I would not code 37202/75896 for treatment (by a physician) of vasospam during a revascularization procedure since the intervention (37226 etc) includes whatever reasonable work necessary to achieve desired result.

Also, 96374 is "not intented to be reported by the physician in the facility setting" per cpt description in the instructions at the beginning of section on Therapeutic, Prophylactic and Diagnostic Injections and Infusions. Is this "push" being performed by staff in a hospital?

This is just my opinion, not my specialty so maybe someone else can chime in with a better response.

HTH :)

Thanks Danny! I had questions about the use of the code myself. That's why I wanted more opinions.
Thanks again,