Wiki #36561 placement of port denied by Medicare


West Point, NE
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Our surgeon performed a sigmoid colectomy on 8/03 and then referred the patient to the oncologist. The oncologist recommended treatment and the placement of a port. Our surgeon then placed a port #36561 on 08/19 and Medicare has now denied this claim saying "pre/post op care payment is included in the allowance for the procedure" being the colectomy. Should have there been a modifier placed on the procedure #36561. Can't recall this ever being denied before. Help!! Thanks.

Just out of curiosity....when the Oncologist ordered the port was there a separate E/M done for the port by another specialty before the procedure could be performed? I agree with the 79 modifier for the procedure. I would say no. BUT what if???

If the oncologist sent the patient to a different specialty with no other global surgery involved for port evaluation-the other specialty would be the ordering physician-would this be billable E/M?