Wiki 36415 venipuncture - venipuncture code


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Good afternoon! I need some clarification on when we can charge the venipuncture code.

If we are drawing blood for a lab that will be performed ...'IN HOUSE'..., is it ok to code the 36415 as well as charge for the lab code, or is this something we should only charge if we are ...'OUTSOURCING'... the lab work?

Additionally, can we bill Medicare 36415 in either of these instances?

I've tried to do some research on this and I am still unclear. (I know we would not do it for finger sticks either way.) Thanks in advance for any help on this!
Our clinic codes and bills 36415 whenever blood is drawn, and we get paid a whopping $2.94 for every venipuncture from Medicare (Novitas)
We charge and bill the venipuncture code, 36415, anytime we draw a specimen for either inhouse or outsourcing. We write off some as not all private insurers will pay this code.