Wiki 32551? esophagram ?


True Blue
Marrero, LA
Best answers
Not sure how to code this, 32551?Anyone have any ideas ?

DX- Esophageal atresia with esophageal anastomotic leak

Procedure - Chest Tube placement

The right chest tube was prepped and draped in a sterile fashion. A low mid axillary line chest tube was placed by making a small skin incision and then placing the catheter into the pleural space where a small amount of serous fluid was obtained and sent for cell count and differential. Tube position was confirmed by fluoroscopy and the tube was secured at the exit site with a nylon suture. A catheter was then passed than transorally into the esophagus and esophagram performed confirming the presence and location of leak. There was an anastomotic leak and the Jackson-pratt drain in the pleural space draining this leak was retracted about 1 cm and then rescored at the skin with a nylon suture .

any ideas 32551 ?