Wiki 31238


Escondido, CA
Best answers
The provider submitted 31238.
Nasal/sinus endoscopy, surgical; with control of nasal hemorrhage
I've never seen it done with Surgicel and that is not in the description of the procedure. Is this still the appropriate code as it is described as being performed (Electrocautery instruments or lasers are placed parallel to the endoscope and are used to stop internal nasal bleeding).

Using the endoscopic navigation, sheets of Surgicel were applied topically all over the sites of mucosal irritation source of her nosebleed bilaterally on the left side and on the right side controlling the bleeding successfully under direct visualization with the endoscopic navigation.
per EncoderPro, here is the "lay description" for 31238 (emphasis is mine):

"The physician uses an endoscope for a diagnostic evaluation of the bleeding nose. An endoscope has a rigid fiberoptic telescope that allows the physician both increased visualization and magnification of internal anatomy. Topical vasoconstrictive agents are applied to the nasal mucosa and nerve blocks with local anesthesia are performed. The endoscope is placed into the nose and a thorough inspection of the internal nasal structures is accomplished. Any bleeding sources are identified. Electrocautery instruments or lasers are placed parallel to the endoscope and are used to stop internal nasal bleeding."