Wiki 31231

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I am having a difficult time getting paid for 31231 and office visit after surgery for 30520. Should I not be billing these? Any help would be appreciative. Thank you
30520 has a 90 day global period. Any service related to the original 30520 surgery is going to be included in the reimbursement for the original 30520 surgery if it's done within a 90 day window after the surgery. You need to modify the procedure and/or office visit if they are NOT related to the original surgery.
If they are related, you can code the visit as a post op visit (e/m code 99024, for instance). You may want to ask your manager how they want post op visits handled because it seems like each health care provider has their own preferences.
Hope this helps.
30520 has a 90 day global period. Any service related to the original 30520 surgery is going to be included in the reimbursement for the original 30520 surgery if it's done within a 90 day window after the surgery. You need to modify the procedure and/or office visit if they are NOT related to the original surgery.
If they are related, you can code the visit as a post op visit (e/m code 99024, for instance). You may want to ask your manager how they want post op visits handled because it seems like each health care provider has their own preferences.
Hope this helps.
Thank you this definitely helps!