Wiki 3 letter rule before collections?


Bronx, NY
Best answers
I was wondering, is there such a rule that we cant send patients to collections unless we send them 3 bills?
They all sign a financial form that states unpaid bills will go to collections after 90 days.
I'm having too much of a hard time managing who to send additional bills to after the first bill.
With the increasing amount of OBAMACARE patients with their bloody deductibles it's impossible for me to chase everyone with letters.
So many patients don't pay their bills, I honestly rather just send them straight to collections as oppose to sending them additional bills they wont pay for.
You should check you state laws. I do believe it is a state law regarding the sending of the three bills. Also in one state I worked in the last bill prior to collections was yo be sent certified with a signed receipt. It may be a pain but I would not try to short cut the process if I were you.
You should check you state laws. I do believe it is a state law regarding the sending of the three bills. Also in one state I worked in the last bill prior to collections was yo be sent certified with a signed receipt. It may be a pain but I would not try to short cut the process if I were you.

I work in New York. Where do I find these laws? Googles hasn't helped much.