Wiki 3-Day Payment Window -- Reaching out to others who are experiencing this.

Katy, TX
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3-day payment window started 7/1/2012. My management has failed in getting a system together to make this work for our organization. I was not made aware that this rule applied to us until I was on medical leave and wasn't coming back until 8/1/2012. It was left on me to figure this out and it should have been on management and higher ups! Nonetheless, we have a team working together to get money refunded and claims reprocessed with a PD modifier. It's the pay and chase method. We have no other choice. We hold claims for 3 days but we can not get to those at all so it's a pointless effort. In fact, everything we've read on WPS and CMS seems to contradict itself. We interpreted this as best as we could but only to find we missed a few things. Our hospital is not on the same system as we are. This process would be so much easier if we were. Our clinics are uncooperative in getting charges done within the 48hr rule to even get to look at these claims. We are over extended as it is with a short staff to deal with this magnitude of a work load. 3-day payment window is all OT work for us but it's not consistently worked daily like it needs to be. We find our billing office is doing the work of the hospital when we shouldn't. They make us go into their system to find these patient admissions and that is only able to be done once a week currently. Remember, we're short staffed. I don't even think the charges I gave the hospital to fix on their claims are even being done. This is where we're confused the most. We bill the PD modifier on radiology and we know we'll get the PC back regardless. How does this even work on the office related items? UAs, injections, lab tests, etc? Do we still bill this out with a PD on our claims? Or do we give these to the hospital to bill out on their UB-04 forms? We're so lost and we're sinking deeper and deeper into a sink-hole. At first, we weren't even including E&M codes because I was told we weren't. Yet, we find information that says they are included? So now we're scrambling to go back to 7/1/2012 to find all those that we've missed.

Please note that we have a running spreadsheet starting on 7/1/2012 to current listing all Medicare (including advantage plans) inpatient stays, admission date, 3 days listed for the window, our accounts number(s) for that patient in our system, all DOSs listed, related and unrelated procedures listed on each DOS, refund information if one was done, etc... We're covering our rears in case of an audit with Medicare. I have no clue if the hospital is doing their part but from what I've learned, they aren't complying.

We need help and WPS doesn't have a single one person to go to for help and we've reached out to our partnering hospital (network we're a part of but not owned by or we wouldn't even be in this mess) and the rule doesn't apply to them so they haven't really researched it themselves so they are NO help. We've researched online and that's where the confusion begins and ends. I doubt there is a list of outpatient related services....right?


I'm grasping at straws it! :confused:
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It seems as though you need organization and some more help. Why not reach out to an outside agency to come in and help out for at least a short period of time? Does Management even know what is going on? Management needs to be involved and know that what they think is working is not working at all. You should calll a meeting...everyone needs to work as a team, in order for any of what you explained, to happen!!
Thank you for responding. Management does know. That's the problem. It keeps falling on me and I'm not management. I do not call the shots here. I've stepped up to that plate so many times but I can't call the shots. We have had meetings. We're about to have another next week with Compliance, RAC committee, hospital, etc... The biggest issue is the hospital and lack of compliance. They aren't willing to work with us and making us do THEIR work. I'm tired of the blame game. I've done my best and I do not have authority to make changes. Merely suggest and that's it. I'm the head of this team we have working on it and I'm trying. I have no clue who to reach out to that's an outside agency to help get this organized for us and working. Where do I start? Something's got to give. I'm ready to wash my hands of it all and stop.:eek::mad:
Where are you located? It seems to me that you personally need to find a way to get help and forget everybody else seeing they wont listen. If you call the shots, try bringing in someone to help with the billing or outsource it to an agency just on a per diem basis. If someone is helping you with the billing or finding codes to bill that you may have missed, it may free up your time to get things organized or "clean house"- get rid of those in the clinics that are unwillng to do things in a timely manner....if your able to make that call.
So what are you a private office? Im not understanding why your billing office is doing hospital stuff that the hospital should be doing in-house?
I would first make sure you are compliant on all that you are doing, read the rules and regulations and if you cant figure it out, hire an outside agency to come in and help. It may cost but in the long run you will win and you being the one calling all the shots, will look like a hero!! You want to make sure you are capturing all your revenue, what is the software you are using?

Dont wash your hands yet, there is lots to do to turn this around..,,,:)
My apologies, I re-read your post and now get you are not in charge! :D So if you cant call the shots, I think I would speak to management AGAIN and hope they hear you. Sometimes those are the most difficult positions to be in and I understand why you want to wash your hands of the situation.

Feel free to vent, Im sure your not the only one in this situation! good luck